> Why is watching paint dry more exciting than soccer?

Why is watching paint dry more exciting than soccer?

Posted at: 2014-10-08 
Because you dont understand the best sport in the world. Otherwise you wouldnt be able to stop watching it. Thats the power this game has.

Football has a very high skill cap. Its never an easy ride to victory. Thats why there cant possibly be a goal every other minute like you americans are used to.

But why you gotta trash talk it like that anyway? You have your rugby and base ball, so why care for other sports? You dont see us talking bad about how violet and barbaric and a completely useless sport your rugby really is...

Because the person who is watching paint dry got no life. Others will be watching football.

I wouldn't know. I'm not stupid enough to watch paint dry.

Because you are from Usa....you have your world series that actually have no one from the rest of the world included. Enjoy....

Because you're lame.