You don't know cr@p about football.
At least your English improved on this question, but nothing else did.
I am not an England fan but I expected a lot more out of England; such as beating Italy and Costa Rica.
However those teams had different ideas and resulted in a loss and a draw.
Please ask this question about Italy our friend Yuckerini will enjoy it immensely.
I think part of the answer is overconfidence and arrogance. While England (as well as for some of the other traditionally strong soccer nations) can put together very strong teams on paper, they seem to have forgotten that its actual results which really count. They blindly continue to insist they are a better side than teams who actually produce better results.
My opinion is that England (as well as Italy) bring a sense of entitlement to the pitch, and think they deserve to win easily just because they show up for the coin toss. Their attitudes refuse to admit that other nations have closed a good deal of the gap as far as the 11 players on the field are concerned. That leaves them very vulnerable to going home early.
You are right . Football is big in England, but the national team struggles to succeed. One reason is there is too many foreign players in England and not enough home grown talent can come through, and at the moment we have no true world class players.
Sorry dude but everyone who has only a little clue about football will
tell you that engalnd IS better than the US.
This is a fact.
Sorry but a lucky win against ghana + a unlucky draw against portugal does not make the US the superior team.
Obviously you know absolutely nothing about FOOTBALL. Player for player England are far superior than the USA. When you learn the game, we'll talk.
a long time ago the german voodoo lord casted a resfuaoie spell on them