bq: what are your thoughts on males watching keep up with the kardashians
Lol it's funny I hardly mention cr7 and here you are talking about him.... Haha seems like your the closet cr7 Fanboy!!!
How many F3UCKS does it look like I give ??? I'm far more knowledgeable about the sport and its history than you! And current football events..... But hey IDGAF it's the dam internet ffs.... Don't get too attached
bq: You know what makes a man a real man? He doesn't what the fcuk he likes without giving a sh!t what anyone else thinks. Not that I watch it myself, I can't stand reality TV in general but if someone else watched it then all the best!
bq: wtf?
there is no doubt that he worships him, so why does the imbecile insist on denying it?
bq: what are your thoughts on males watching keep up with the kardashians