> Why do Mexican guys date indigenous Mexican girls? Re:?

Why do Mexican guys date indigenous Mexican girls? Re:?

Posted at: 2014-10-08 
I would have to work harder than the rest but I knew I could. It's a matter of self-esteem. Anybody can get any type of girl regarding any race. You as a Latino brown guy ( I assume) will have to work just a little harder and a black guy will have to work a little more (its unfair but oh well) but you will pull hot girls of any race.

My advice to you is to get some game, dress better, upgrade your looks potential, work out and cut all insecurities so you can approach like a machine, remember they are humans too.

Game is the keyword. With game you can get any girl you want.

Sorry if there are people here who find it annoying. You can chime in if you want.

Las estupideces que se leen este foro son dignas de ser escritas por pochos. Penita ajena es lo que dan. Por eso es que yo digo que no son mexicanos, porque su forma de pensar es muy diferente a los mexicanos. Ah y esas "mexicanas blancas" son POCHAS osea estadounidenses.

Ninguna mujer les debe nada, y si las chicas los ignoran es porque o son feos o son naquillos que no valen la pena.

Dam bro did you have to write an essay, I'll date her if she's hot

I'll date who I want to date, date who you want to date no need for preaching BS

Latina is latina. She is acceptable. Mayates "latinas" infected with mayate dna or sperm or whatever is a disgrace and cannot be accepted by our community.

Who cares

Is that really Fresa sin creama Anonymous?

Wow, I want to put queso in her quesadilla!!


All heir our Führer Hitler !!

Idk but Indigenous Mexicans/Latin Americans are hideous.

White/mostly white latinos are the best.

Ok Im reponding to the guy who wrote this question https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20140628034554AAeL05g

So "j if you're out there Im responding to you here. I didn't understand what he was talking about at first so I came here to get back at him.

J, you are saying that other races are taking the white Mexican girls. Although I do see this, but not only white Mexican girls, but also brown Mexican girls. You see in our community (Hispanic community) dating a white guy is like dating "up". That's just how its viewed because women are attracted to status, and being white in America and Mexico by the way is status, and some examples of this status are shown in movies where white actors with blonde hair and blue eyes are kings. Subconsciously these white Mexican girls go where the status is (white guys). I know its not fair, but life is unfair and there is nothing we can do about it. Same can be said about blacks, for the most part dating a black guy is seeing as lower status by our community as you can see by Mier's questions on "mayates", its not fair for the blacks but its just the way our society works.

I just think you have an inferiority complex, I was like that myself, I didn't like seeing our mamacitas with white dudes, but I realized I didn't have any power to combat that. But it was more of me not being able to get what I wanted, which was hot girls, but realized that I too can get girls like that.