> Who will win the match Holland vs Argentina?

Who will win the match Holland vs Argentina?

Posted at: 2014-10-08 
My bet is that Argentina will win. Though their defense sucks, they're getting better and better each game. Argentina didn't win by much the past games because every single (small) team Argentina played with decided to do an 11 man defense, this made it very difficult for Messi and Argentina to score. However, though Holland too got insane offensive force like Robben, these people lack stamina and does not really come back nor chase the ball ( when the other team has possession of the ball, as seen from previous games) . I think that their "ego" will get the better side of them ( makes them play their normal game, not as defensive) which will make Holland defense weaker than it should be, resulting in a goal from Argentina.


Netherlands 2 - 1

You might not know whats going to happen. But in my opinion, probably Argentina is going to win since they are good and they've got Messi.

holland will won the match