> Who will Wenger sign tomorrow?

Who will Wenger sign tomorrow?

Posted at: 2014-10-08 
We'll get Falcao or Cavani

LOL at Chelsea conceding 3 to Everton, what a SH*T defence LMAO

Sorry but he is probably right. Sonogo needs to get lonned out. We need falcao pls luis gustavo or any DM in the world. And a CB.

wenger really iz the specialist in failure

Zigic was a bs rumor though, just his agent looking for money making that up.

I hope to see him sign Falcao, but like you said probably Zigic =/.

He will just end up signing some 20 year old French kid.

Probably some unknown as per usual.

Zigic is not joining....

Arsenal fans expectation - Falcao

Reality - Zigic

What f*cking idiot of a manager doesn't even know that there team needs a striker to win them a league. Such a sh*t manager now.

Mourinho > Wenger