> Who else thinks this world cup was rigged?

Who else thinks this world cup was rigged?

Posted at: 2014-10-08 
Its funny, because IF Brazil go through, then most would prefer Argentina. Basically we rather a European final or a South American final, so it can go both ways, if Germany win, then I predict Holland to win. Originally, Brazil are my pick to win the world cup but let's not go overboard, wrong or controversial decisions always happen in football. I might as well say "its rigged TEAM A beat TEAM B because the referee didn't award a fair decision to TEAM B".

See,it is rigged in a way where Brazil and some top teams advance.Otherwise how would you explain Brazil beating teams like Croatia,Chile and Columbia.They were substandard against Mexico.As for other teams, they have also benefitted from officials.Its making us inclined to believe that FIFA somehow wants the tournament favorites in the final stages to bring it to Brazil-Argentina final....Unfortunately for Brazil,they lost two key players and despite this if they manage to beat Germany, it has to be through official help

Not rigged. The refs are just that bad.

Netherlands is a good team, but Mexico got reamed by the Diving Dutchmen.

You have it wrong. Final will be GERMANY against NETHERLANDS. Brazil will lose soon. OF course it is rigged, referees love to help Brazil, because it would be embarasing for them to lose at home.

You're a moron. How would that bring in more money? How would they fix it? Who would be doing the actual fixing? You're fúcking stupid.

Get over it. Why would it seem odd that the best teams are still remaining?

Not Rigged .

World Cup is definately rigged. I mean, who would ever have thought that you'd have two of the South American Powers in the Semi Final? Who would then begin to imagine that you might have two European Powers in the Semi Final too? It beggars belief, it really does. Think of all those Millions of people who had picked South Korea, Nigeria, Algeria and Bosnia as the Semi Finalists. Madness!!!

Ok, lets make it easy for you to comprehend. This post is loaded with sarcasm!!...............

It's not rigged.

I think Croatia got screwed the most.