> What was the Tottenham score?...?

What was the Tottenham score?...?

Posted at: 2014-10-08 
Did they beat "Rubbish " Liverpool as they all predicted?...



I believe Tottenham Hotshit lost 3-0.


Last 3 appearances against spurs

12 goals scored 0 conceded? lmfaoo?

massive liverpool win 3-0

Can't wait to see you get your **** served to you in the CL, it'll bring your cocky fans back down to earth.

You team is not flawless, they are easy to beat but every spurs manager fails to see how, fact is you can't defend on the back foot and after a few CL games teams whip you the whole of the PL will begin to see that.

I am well cheezrd off man we lost 3 - 0 aginst liverpooz

3-0, but they won the passing!



Did they beat "Rubbish " Liverpool as they all predicted?...

