> What do you think about two champion wannabees playing today?

What do you think about two champion wannabees playing today?

Posted at: 2014-10-08 
Liverpool VS Man City

Both are wannabees Man Utd. But they will never come close to the glory of United.


I can understand your confusion, the plummet down the table must be dizzying.

LOL OK that is my last MU jibe till they get into the upper half. I just couldn't resist

I don't think Liverpool are wannabe's. You really need to check up on Liverpool History. They have a rich history. The last 20 years have been unfortunate for them. But they have written their fair share of history in England. Tell me something about Man City, besides the love for overpriced international players?

It is still very early, I think Man Utd can still win the league.

Man City will get injuries and didnt buy enough players to cover.

Liverpool are inconsistent.

Chelsea wont win a league parking the bus, maybe the FA cup though.

That leaves Man Utd.

I think with Di Maria and Van Persie, Man U is strong. I think Chelsea will beat all teams this year, with addition of fabregas, costa, courtois, drogba. I hope balotelli atleast plays for liverpool

You're right. At the end of today both teams will have at least 3x the points of United. They will never come close to the glory of United.


lol i dont know if you realize this... but man utd is just a midtable pub team that's no where near either team.

LOL MUFC is history.

Liverpool VS Man City

Both are wannabees Man Utd. But they will never come close to the glory of United.