> To the world cup novice?

To the world cup novice?

Posted at: 2014-10-08 
Well, the massive amount of money surrounding the competition dictates that there will be favorites inevitably.

Just how artificial they're willing to allow it to become remains to be seen.

I've never seen a host nation three-and-out, and that can't be coincidence.

I'm not American, but I definitely think the USA will win the World Cup within the next 20 years. They are just getting better and better, while other teams are getting worse.

I'm American and this air of confidence that we WILL win the World Cup in the next few decades is laughable really. There have been much better nations (Hungary 1954, Netherlands multiple times, etc) that have come up short with world class players on the pitch. The World Cup is too hard to win to say anything definitively other than we should be contenders in the next few decades.