I thought tryouts were in 4 weeks because that's what they did every year but no its August 10 and I barely found out today. I was gone to Washington the whole summer (return home 2 days ago) so I didn't have time to practice. I'm a upcoming freshman BTW.
Idk I'm just freaking out! I feel like to forget soccer and join cross country but I have a feeling I will regret it during season.
I don't consider myself terrible at soccer nor good. I can run long distance from cross country in middle school and basketball season, I know how to kick a ball, and dribbling is something I guess I can do.
I'm just wondering if there is some people who don't know how to play tryout for the sake of it?
And whats Is tryouts like? Do they separate by grade like freshman, Shophmore, junior, seniors or we tryout together?