> Should I quit soccer?

Should I quit soccer?

Posted at: 2014-10-08 
If you love soccer and want to play it, stay with it and pursue it.

The easiest thing to do when you're bad, is act like youre good. Be very very confident. When you mess up say my bad. When other people mess up tell them to pick it up. Be extremly physical, but most of all have a really strong work rate. I wasn't the best on my school teambut my work rate helped me play every minute of every game cause the coach liked how i played. try to get very fit cause thats impressive and will help. learn a few footskills like juggling to show off with.


Is this rep soccer? If you love soccer, why quit? Trust me adapting to a new team is hard but i'm sure you can push through. If nothing seems to get better I suggest trying to join another new team you just have to look a little before you find the right team. But no, don't quit! You'll regret it

I just moved and my old team was awesome! No pressure, had my best friend, lots of fun with a work at my level. I wasn't the best on the team I wasn't the worst. I had motivation but wasn't pressured it was all just fun and not super competitive. They didn't have a rec league in my new state so I had to join a really hard team, I ended up dropping out of it because it was too hard and I never wanted to show up to practice. After I quit I was like I really want to play soccer wow I love soccer then I joined another team that was also pretty hard. My first practice was my tryout and I didn't make the team but they said I could still practice with them. So I went to the practice the next time and everyone wore they're new jerseys and we all practices while I was in my standard t shirt. I'm the worst on the team and I can hear the other girls talk about me. I never want to go to practice I just pray that it rains. When I go it's SO hard and I don't have any fun I don't talk to anyone it's just running. I also don't get how this team plays and I end up just messing up and it puts me down. I'm not even on the team so there's no feeling of unity and everyone already knows eachother. I really don't like it but I've played soccer all my life and love it when I'm just having a fun game with my friends. What should I do