> Is it too late to play soccer in college?

Is it too late to play soccer in college?

Posted at: 2014-10-08 
I have never played soccer before but want to join the soccer or club. Will they teach me how to play?

Yeah, most likely they will. What you want to do is go up to the coach on the first day of tryouts and tell him you have never played. He will most likely group you in with the others who have never played and choose the top two or three from your group. Also, be sure to show up without cleats or shin-guards, since most coaches require a certain kind and you don't want to show up with the wrong ones.

Only if they have a summer camp. If you are talking about try-outs, then no. As I answered previously, just join a rec team.

I have never played soccer before but want to join the soccer or club. Will they teach me how to play?