> Is Celtics Gods team?

Is Celtics Gods team?

Posted at: 2014-10-08 
Celtic is god and the stadium is our church...

Not in a religious sense but know what I mean?

Well Celtic is like a half-way home now for many players. Most bright players that go to Celtic always try to inspire to go to the BPL. Having said that, Celtic's team is amazing for the SPFL, would would be terrible for BPL and would probably get relegated.

I could not understand why Celtic new stadium wasnt renamed Paradise

Of course it is - that's why it is always a sunny day whenever Celtic are in a cup final. (never noticed that?).

of course look how he helped Celtic against Legia, it was an act of Ghod. Then look how he punished the people of the bigot dome by liquidating and killing their club. Ghod hates racists and bigots, thats why Rangers are no more.

I have a pal who lives in California and who also supports I.C.T. was the earthquake that was 10 miles from him a warning form an angry God?

No. The events at the Boys Club seen to that.

Bill Struth just destroyed this question

Rattle rattle

When you see how many times there has been disasters at Ibrox you know he doesn't like that mob...

Yes, they are good team.

I think God abandoned your scum a long time ago pal.

the obsessed struth like talking about it all the time.....what a tadger

No such thing as god.