> How to overcome pressure in soccer?

How to overcome pressure in soccer?

Posted at: 2014-10-08 
Ah the old I have a crisis of confidence chestnut. The main thing you have to do is DON'T PANIC! try and think of what you do when training and just take 1 man at a time, it will come back to you but the more you think about it the more of a monkey on your back it will become. Are you a lone striker? if so holding up the ball waiting for support is a hard shift, if you are part of a pairing work with your strike partner in training so you develop a better understanding of where you will be when you or he gets the ball so you can pass it into an area where they or you will be. Its just a confidence thing, be more positive in your outlook when playing will help you, talk to yourself and encourage yourself the fight it with yourself and you can win this fight with positive thought.

I play forward, however there is an issue. Whenever I get the ball in a game I don't the touch I do when I practice alone or in regular practice. I get really pressured, and a lot of times a bunch of defenders start attacking me and steal the ball. In one on ones I do fine, and get past most people. Its manly in the game.