> How to get a better stamina?

How to get a better stamina?

Posted at: 2014-10-08 
I play football ( soccer) I want to improve my stamina how can I do that?

Hey man. Remember that football is a lot different from running and long distance running. Try running but add a few side steps and twists and spins, try footwork like in boxing, this will increase your overall stamina coz of the increase/decrease in speed and it will also increase the muscle tone of each muscle which is great. Also try running up stairs and doing pyramids. Push ups and sit ups are vital for increasing your overall conditiong. Lastly, pasta, spagetii, potatoes and other food with high carbohydrates :) hope this helps man. Also, if u have a big street, try running and doing tricks with ur football, this will increase ur stamina but also increases ur ball control. Keep bending it like Beckham :) :) :)

Two mile runs. And if you have a stadium ear you, add running the steps.


Run alot

There's multiple ways such as gassers and running in general just burn your self out and go for more. And since you're into soccer a job rope would be your best friend

I play Football too. You have to run more often and also work on your abdominal. Go to the Football field and run like 5-10 laps everyday and do like three sets of 50 sit-ups per day and your stamina will increase like that. Make sure you stretch before running or doing sit-ups.

The abdominal will help you maintain good stamina because when you're running in football, you feel it in your stomach.

I play football ( soccer) I want to improve my stamina how can I do that?