I personally had a weak shot and couldn't wrap my foot around the ball correctly. I didn't really know what to do so I just asked my coach how to shoot. Still didn't help. I was super insecure with my skills at that point &made it even worse. Anyeayd I got a personal trainer and started working on lats Abs and legs the most to improve my shot. I had been at the training for about 2 days a week along w running. After about a month it was in season again. I ended up hitting the ball a lot cleaner and that brought up my confidence which helped me learn technique. But lol I feel if you strike it with, not your toe, but that one awkward bone. It drives a clean shot. Cant fit all I want to say with out making a 5 paragraph essay. I'm not sure if this helped but yeah:)
start hitting the ball against the wall start from 5 feet up to 10.15.but begin hitting slow and hit hard as you go