> How can they make soccer less boring?

How can they make soccer less boring?

Posted at: 2014-10-08 
"Just use your hands, introduce some full-body blocking, expand the goal area, break up the game a little so that people have time to go to the bathroom between plays and maybe change the shape of the ball slightly so it's easier to carry. Now you've got a sport"

Well everyone has different tastes. That's how I feel when I watch baseball. I'm not saying it's a bad sport; it's just not for me.

Force everyone who critiques it to play one game.

Then they would have a renewed appreciation of how exciting a close-call can be.

Maybe reduce the number of players on the field to encourage more scoring?

Don't hate the game hate the player.

LOL. You should try watching American football, it's a great cure for insomnia.

says you

this is a sport half the population of the world plays and watches