Be very noticeable in your team. Be very smart and disciplined on the field. Don't just shout at the referees if they make a mistake. Go to them and tell them to call things right in a polite manner.Even after or during the game the captain can go to the referee to talk to him . If your teammates are goofing around tell your coach " hey listen,coach tell them to pay attention".Or you can tell them to pay attention .Talk to the coach and recommend him which players are best at which spots. Always communicate to your teammates,even if you are losing. DONT BE A SORE LOSER. Also be very good at what you do, try and give your all on the field during games and practices. BE THE LEADER
Kill the other soccer captain/s. Hide their bodies so you don't get caught and go to jail. And then they'll have no choice but to pick you as team captain. Good luck!
Make your self known, use your voice, shout man on!, tell players where to go. Managers love a player who shouts and uses there voice.