I totally get you here. I played soccer freshman year and made jv but had a terrible experience. It was unorganized people were ***** and THE JANITORS WERE THE COACHES,THE JANITORS. That is not a joke. So I can get that you don't want to play but pushing through it will help you better yourself for the future. You know Michael Jordan, the basketball star. He didn't make his basket ball team not freshman year not the next but he kept practicing and got better and better and better until he became the basketball legend we know if today. So my tip to you is yeah it might suck and yeah u might not b good, but if you want to have any hope of getting better you need to try. By not even trying, your setting yourself up for failure.
Listen to Eye of the Tiger before you kick that ball around.
Okay so im in soccer. Im a sophmore (I didnt do soccer last year) and I enjoy soccer but its so hard and I come home and have no time. . And I feel like im not good enough. Like people will use words I dont know like split and I refuse to quit but I just need some motivation. Anybody know anything I can do to lift my mood or help make it better?:/