> Can Alexis Sanchez bring the best out of Mesut Flopzil?

Can Alexis Sanchez bring the best out of Mesut Flopzil?

Posted at: 2014-10-08 
I'm sure Flopez will bring out the best of Flopzil. Just like Flopaurez brought out the best of Flopurridge and Flopooney brought out the best of Van Flopsie.

ps... why is everyone putting "flop" infront of peoples names, seems unnecessary.

Like Gerrard will bring the best out of Suarez....Oh wait.

FLOPZIL who'll be playing in a World Cup final, LOL, FAIL, whilst you're sat B*TCHING on the Internet Ozil is getting ready for a WC final and enjoying having a HOTTER BIRD then you'll EVER HAVE, LMAO

I like how you have actually kept your promise (picture) unlike others.


I feel like this Flopzil stuff is a trend...keep dissing Arsenal you guys fear us.