> Are you worried about the Ebola Crisis?

Are you worried about the Ebola Crisis?

Posted at: 2014-10-08 
If i die I die that is the way life goes. We don't live forever. Not even the richest person in this world lives forever. Enjoy what you are doing and don't waste time and energy freaking out about something you can't control. Scientist are working hard to contain it so relax and try not to be in enclosed places if it gets out of hand.

I wish it would spread in Compton, Bad parts of Chicago, Missouri

Not really unless i come in contact with bodily fluids of an infected person. Now if it was airborne...

no unless they bring a patient to the state i live

nah dog I got bitches to **** like Jose, Lovable Jerk, Der gayer, anonymous, and Manuel girls

Nah foo.

yep. it's PROBABLY going to be the virus that kills us all. I watched Contagion the other day and got very nervous.

No not at all it would not spread here I promise that

President Omayate was stupid enough to bring Ebloa into our country what the hell was he thinking. Worst President Ever!