ANY white woman you meet on a dating/social networking site claiming to be in Ghana is a scam. There are NO exceptions to this
Also you can easily tell they are a scam
- they don't look like a real woman, they look like a model or porn star. That's because those are stolen pictures of models and porn stars like Ann Angel, Melissa Midwest, etc. A google images search usually shows their pictures have appeared elsewhere
- they tell you their full name right away. NO real woman does this for her own privacy and security. A real woman never gives more than her first name to anyone she meets online until she meets him in person. A scammer tells their full name and often other personal info like their parents' names, full life history, date of birth, etc within the first few days or even the first message
- they fall in love WAY too quickly. Again NO real woman is going to tell a man she met online but has never met in person that she loves him or he's her soul mate or that she wants to move to the US to be with him. Scammers move way too fast
- they refuse a live video chat, even though EVERY internet cafe in Ghana has webcams for Skype calls. And if you do have a video, you won't hear them as they use stolen videos off webcam sites so they cannot talk back to you - they will claim their mic is broken.
Need more proof. Tell this person that you just found out on Facebook that someone you went to college with has just been posted to the US Embassy in Ghana and you would love for them to meet. Say that your friend doesn't know anyone there and you'd love for him to meet someone who has been living in Ghana for a while. Say that you hope you don't mind, but you gave your friend her number/email and he is going to be in touch shortly to try and meet for a coffee. If she hasn't given her phone number, then say you need her number so your friend can call her. Then wait for the excuses.
There are white women all over the world.
Maybe one or two.