Siol nan Gaidheal’s been on the go for years ,by the looks of things the last thing the guy attacked was a pie supper ,I wouldn't attack anyone personally for their nationality be it eastern European English Irish etc ,bit of a novelty group wouldn't worry about it
I wondered why I did not see those English post calling Americans Septic's
My English family and I lived as "white settlers" in Scotland for well over a decade, my children grew up there after moving from Wales where we were called F.E.B's, the definition of which the F stands for a swear word for intercourse, in common use, the E for English and the B for another word I cannot use which means illegitimate.
While living in Scotland we were never subjected to any form of prejudice or racism, which sadly I cannot say about our time in Wales. We liked the name of White Settlers and frequently called ourselves such, it was certainly better than being called a FEB. Out of interest this weekend I asked my grown up children and their father if we still lived in Scotland how would they would all vote, three of us agreed that if we still lived there we would most likely vote for independence, while my son said it was probable that he would support independence.
Of course there will be a minority of racists who have turned this into a race issue, lets face it we have them in England too, who use every opportunity to stir up hatred. However for the vast majority of Scottish and English people who are living in Scotland who have the right to vote, they will vote on what they think is best for Scotland and all the people who live in there.
New Wolfpac Leader is my bitchh
The group describes itself as an “ultra-nationalist organisation” and attacks English people in Scotland as “white settlers” imposing the “Lebensraum of rapacious Anglo-Saxonry” on “colonised” Scots. It says that “Scottish ethnicity” should “form the basis for Scottish citizenship”.