> Americanistas, Should Pimentel start over Topo?

Americanistas, Should Pimentel start over Topo?

Posted at: 2014-10-08 
Also, does America really need to keep Osvaldo in the lineup? Diaz and Quick are better..

BQ: Thoughts on Maduena and Mares??

I want Pimentel to start.

No Osvaldito sucks !!

BQ: From what I heard Burbano practically made madue?a his b?tch.

P.S: If Jimenez leaves I want el wero diaz to get a chance in the first team, I think he's a better player than Zu?iga

Imo Pimentel can easily start in any team he is tons better then Topo.

Having osvaldo is a lujo because he is 2.7 million

He'll no...... 10+ caps and experience>>>>>not much experience and no caps

Osvaldito is good enough to be in the lineup.......Diaz has never been called up for barely even Argentina u-20 and so far in this league he hasn't done **** in this league to prove why he was bought over another argentine player like Goltz who has played for his national team before. and quick is more like a good substitute

Oswaldo didnt do bad

Topo lol

Also, does America really need to keep Osvaldo in the lineup? Diaz and Quick are better..

BQ: Thoughts on Maduena and Mares??