Mu?oz wasn't bothered the whole game with the exception of a couple of shots.
In Futbol it comes down to who scores the most goals and not who dominates and has more shots.
America hasn't been playing bad to be honest, because they've had an immense amount of shots on target but like I said before nothing matters until you score.
Pumas had been playing poorly for the last 5-6 games and until today actually put huevos into it.
Good game by both sides, entertaining to say the least.
Lol Pumas would rather beat America than get into the Liguilla
Lame team never beats us legit. They won by a deflejo and still only have a few points.
Rey missed a CLEAR chance that would have changed the game
Last time we dominated them too pero salieron con la Victoria.
Rey is getting on my nerves. He missed an open goal, not entirely open but a blind person could make it. Zu?iga almost scores coming in..america played well, but pumas got lucky with the deflection. Sometimes the better team loses.
That game was pretty lame. America's looking like last year's team.
UNAM el mejor del DF
Im extra salty, america had so many open chances, arroyo played good but messed up two very important chances. Rey did horrible, Zuniga almost scored. So many chances missed, so salt so salt!
Pinches equipos malos
Id hate to root for losing teams
Yo ulllll stay free lol
Step aside gayun Arce will you show them free kicks
LMAO they lost at home xD
I'm sorry i can't hear you from way up here